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 ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme

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― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 Empty

Merci tout le monde. ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 1859777468 ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 3047105298 ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 3819927600

@estevo baxter youuuu. ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 2432930419 ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 802523619 ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 1079646089
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― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 Empty

TE VOILA ENFIN ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 3819927600 ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 411899135 ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 1882710505
je t'attendais de pieds fermes, et j'ai hâte de te lire ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 2677675224
on se retrouve vite en rp ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 802523619
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Faye Winters
"I waited, as if the sea could
make my decision for me."
Faye Winters
irl : cécile, murdock sur l'internet (elle)
posts : 1166
multi-comptes : sofia (a. arjona)
faceclaim : phoebe tonkin, ethereal
age : trente-et-un
birth : guernsey, born and raised
nationality : british

address : st peter port
in guernsey : from the first breath to the last

occupation : fisherman, inherited her dad's tiny fishing company
private : hurt too many times (bi)
mood : needs a fucking nap

― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 F8a66308bfd712608d6e4d1fb91e3ac1

⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options : en/fr; 666633
roleplay : (OFF) mara, hana, warren, pippa
relations :

― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 Empty

la voilà ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 3702143140 ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 3702143140 ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 3702143140
j'arrive cent ans après la guerre, mais,
si heureuse que t'aies trouvé ton bonheur,
et quel bonheur! il fait le mien aussi, si hâte de stalker ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 2879217495 ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 2879217495
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― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 Empty

we love a business woman ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 980078899
bienvenue parmi nous ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 368296965
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irl : /
posts : 674
faceclaim : /

⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options :
roleplay :
relations :

― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 Empty

coucou ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 368296965
je viens t'informer que ta fiche est considérée comme en retard, et par conséquent, tu perds également la réservation de ton avatar ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 2996346019
mais pas de panique ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 1859777468 tu as encore le temps de te manifester, de demander plus de temps, de faire une nouvelle réservation, etc. cependant, si nous n'avons pas de nouvelles de toi d'ici quelques jours, nous procéderons à la suppression de ton compte sur le forum ― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 3070602953
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― there is a love in me raging, so extreme  - Page 2 Empty

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― there is a love in me raging, so extreme
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