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posts : 674
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⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options :
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je suis fan du perso de mvdd du coup aussi — mvdd - Page 16 2996346019 — mvdd - Page 16 2996346019
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Thelma Lindell
"your local manic pixie dream girl"
Thelma Lindell
irl : theodisia, lily + elle
posts : 69
faceclaim : kristine f. + doom days
age : bittersweet sixteen
birth : guernesey (26.01.04)
nationality : british

address : beach house on st peter port
in guernsey : since birth

occupation : student, full-time rbf
private : single, closed topic
mood : meh

— mvdd - Page 16 O9ta

⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options : ( #b1c1df ) ( anglais )
roleplay : ( open )
relations :

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mvdd a un fc magnifique — mvdd - Page 16 3070602953
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irl : /
posts : 674
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⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options :
roleplay :
relations :

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mvdd too — mvdd - Page 16 3070602953 — mvdd - Page 16 3070602953
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MVDD a un avatar qui colle au thème
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Contenu sponsorisé

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