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irl : /
posts : 674
faceclaim : /

⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options :
roleplay :
relations :

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kiss hermione
marry ron
kill harry
for obvious reasons (for me /// - Page 2 366725002 )

sirius black, remus lupin, james potter
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Thelma Lindell
"your local manic pixie dream girl"
Thelma Lindell
irl : theodisia, lily + elle
posts : 69
faceclaim : kristine f. + doom days
age : bittersweet sixteen
birth : guernesey (26.01.04)
nationality : british

address : beach house on st peter port
in guernsey : since birth

occupation : student, full-time rbf
private : single, closed topic
mood : meh

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⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options : ( #b1c1df ) ( anglais )
roleplay : ( open )
relations :

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QUOIII MAIS HARRY MON BB /// - Page 2 368296965

marry sirius, kiss lupin & kill (mais gentiment) james à contre-cœur

sam, clover, alex?
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irl : /
posts : 674
faceclaim : /

⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options :
roleplay :
relations :

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mdr sorry /// - Page 2 1356126628 il me sort par les yeux il sert à rien /// - Page 2 1356126628

je kiss clover parce qu'elle est incomprise
je marry alex OBVIOUSLY
et je kill sam elle est si relou je comprends pas la hype autour d'elle

stranger things edition : mike, dustin, lucas, will (on peut en mettre deux dans une réponse huhu)
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Sofia Valentine
"man, time really flies when
you take two naps a day"
Sofia Valentine
irl : ses poils (cécile)
posts : 256
multi-comptes : faye winters (p. tonkin)
faceclaim : adria arjona, kidd
age : twenty-eight (dec. 25)
birth : san juan, adopted as a kid
nationality : british

address : a tiny flat on the west coast
in guernsey : since she was four

occupation : painter, quite notorious, helps out her clockmaker of a dad sometimes
private : dating around but could never love anyone else, 3 weeks pregnant
mood : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options : #cc6666 ; fr.eng
roleplay : owen, margaret, (valentines, norma, jesse)
relations :

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adopt them all /// - Page 2 1859777468

Nancy, Jonathan, Steve gngng
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@Dani Thomas yes please /// - Page 2 1863156222

je kiss nancy (natalia /// - Page 2 368296965 )
je marry steve OBVIOUSLY HE'S BAE
et je tue jonathan pcq il est mims mais il sert un peu à rien /// - Page 2 1356126628

hopper, joyce, la mère de mike et nancy (j'ai oublié son nom damn)
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Sofia Valentine
"man, time really flies when
you take two naps a day"
Sofia Valentine
irl : ses poils (cécile)
posts : 256
multi-comptes : faye winters (p. tonkin)
faceclaim : adria arjona, kidd
age : twenty-eight (dec. 25)
birth : san juan, adopted as a kid
nationality : british

address : a tiny flat on the west coast
in guernsey : since she was four

occupation : painter, quite notorious, helps out her clockmaker of a dad sometimes
private : dating around but could never love anyone else, 3 weeks pregnant
mood : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

/// - Page 2 572916777a2005f074394b82017716b4

⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options : #cc6666 ; fr.eng
roleplay : owen, margaret, (valentines, norma, jesse)
relations :

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marry joyce baby
kiss hopper
kill the other one pcq jme rappelle pas non plus donc ça veut tout dire mdrrrrr

mara, faye, dani gngngngngn
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je kiss dani /// - Page 2 249250722 /// - Page 2 249250722
je marry mara of course
et je fill faye pour pouvoir marry mara tranquille /// - Page 2 1588567803

alerte aux bg : azriel, baz, eugene
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