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 ---- And as I arrived I thought I saw you leaving

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@Faye Winters @Isaac Dumpsey
merci à vous deux les petits chats ---- And as I arrived I thought I saw you leaving - Page 2 Herz ---- And as I arrived I thought I saw you leaving - Page 2 54520764 ---- And as I arrived I thought I saw you leaving - Page 2 1863156222 ---- And as I arrived I thought I saw you leaving - Page 2 2206554366
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Faye Winters
"I waited, as if the sea could
make my decision for me."
Faye Winters
irl : cécile, murdock sur l'internet (elle)
posts : 1166
multi-comptes : sofia (a. arjona)
faceclaim : phoebe tonkin, ethereal
age : trente-et-un
birth : guernsey, born and raised
nationality : british

address : st peter port
in guernsey : from the first breath to the last

occupation : fisherman, inherited her dad's tiny fishing company
private : hurt too many times (bi)
mood : needs a fucking nap

---- And as I arrived I thought I saw you leaving - Page 2 F8a66308bfd712608d6e4d1fb91e3ac1

⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options : en/fr; 666633
roleplay : (OFF) mara, hana, warren, pippa
relations :

---- And as I arrived I thought I saw you leaving - Page 2 Empty

allons-y gaiement alors krkrkrkr
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---- And as I arrived I thought I saw you leaving
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