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 forty mccall — 5 year old, who drinks

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Forty McCall
Forty McCall
irl : kmkz.
posts : 27
multi-comptes : owen aldersley.
faceclaim : lucas bravo, hrh cecile.
age : thirty-one.
birth : guernsey bound.
nationality : bratty brit.

address : appartment in st peter’s port, but mostly on his boat, the 40’s.
in guernsey : since his birth.

occupation : definitely a better-looking pirate than jack sparrow, plunderer of wrecks, sailor.
private : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
mood : nah.

forty mccall — 5 year old, who drinks Empty

forty mccall
31 years old, heir/plunderer of wrecks
single and in love with his best friend’s girl
frivole arrogance, exhubérant, charmant, d’une franchise aiguisée, messy, charisme indéniable, idiot, un pas en avant, deux pas vers l’arrière, loyal, casse-couille indépendant, day drinking specialist, espiègle, persuasif, parfois insolent, parfois insouciant, like a fucking child who drinks, cérébral - quand ses trois neurones se mettent en accord, suffisant, un poil dramatique, amusant, créatif.

(code par HERESY.)
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forty mccall — 5 year old, who drinks
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