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Tilda Swinton
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Pippa Lyons
Pippa Lyons
irl : léa · patchulea (elle)
posts : 47
faceclaim : sophie cookson (lilousilvercreations)
age : thirty years old
birth : london, uk - a life split between the two isles
nationality : british

address : big sister's couch (just passing by)
in guernsey : in alternating custody (more or less)

occupation : doctor, fresh out of her hospital training
private : fuck off (lesbian with recreational male friends)
mood : i said : fuck off

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⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options : teal, fr/en
roleplay : open
relations :

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Uzo Aduba abcélébrités - Page 3 368296965
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Faye Winters
"I waited, as if the sea could
make my decision for me."
Faye Winters
irl : cécile, murdock sur l'internet (elle)
posts : 1166
multi-comptes : sofia (a. arjona)
faceclaim : phoebe tonkin, ethereal
age : trente-et-un
birth : guernsey, born and raised
nationality : british

address : st peter port
in guernsey : from the first breath to the last

occupation : fisherman, inherited her dad's tiny fishing company
private : hurt too many times (bi)
mood : needs a fucking nap

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⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options : en/fr; 666633
roleplay : (OFF) mara, hana, warren, pippa
relations :

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Viggo Mortensen
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Clementine Lyons
Clementine Lyons
irl : babooshka (mariko), elle.
posts : 39
faceclaim : lily james, ethereal.
age : trente-quatre ans.
birth : née à guernesey, elle a grandi entre l'île le continent.
nationality : britannique.

address : une petite maison à st peter port, mitoyenne à son atelier de poterie.
in guernsey : depuis toujours ou presque.

occupation : potière/céramiste.
private : récemment divorcée, hétérosexuelle.

⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options : fr/en, cornflowerblue.
roleplay : open.
relations :

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Winona Ryder la queen abcélébrités - Page 3 Herz
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Thelma Lindell
"your local manic pixie dream girl"
Thelma Lindell
irl : theodisia, lily + elle
posts : 69
faceclaim : kristine f. + doom days
age : bittersweet sixteen
birth : guernesey (26.01.04)
nationality : british

address : beach house on st peter port
in guernsey : since birth

occupation : student, full-time rbf
private : single, closed topic
mood : meh

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⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options : ( #b1c1df ) ( anglais )
roleplay : ( open )
relations :

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xavier dolan abcélébrités - Page 3 2677675224
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Joey Manning
Joey Manning
irl : boo (she/her).
posts : 29
faceclaim : tia jonsson, self.
age : vingt-quatre années.
birth : (guernesey), franco-anglaise.
nationality : franco-anglaise.

in guernsey : born and raised.

occupation : animatrice radio, de 21h à 00h dans badaboum, et de 3h à 6h dans look at the stars.
private : célibat, pansexuelle.
mood : on est là hein

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yannick noah
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zoe saldana
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Pippa Lyons
Pippa Lyons
irl : léa · patchulea (elle)
posts : 47
faceclaim : sophie cookson (lilousilvercreations)
age : thirty years old
birth : london, uk - a life split between the two isles
nationality : british

address : big sister's couch (just passing by)
in guernsey : in alternating custody (more or less)

occupation : doctor, fresh out of her hospital training
private : fuck off (lesbian with recreational male friends)
mood : i said : fuck off

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⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options : teal, fr/en
roleplay : open
relations :

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ava duvernay
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Jesse Langlois
Jesse Langlois
irl : pauline (elle/she/her)
posts : 60
multi-comptes : nike the farmer (f. pugh)
faceclaim : tanner reese (ethereal, waldosia)
age : twenty-four (13/03)
birth : guernsey
nationality : british

address : st peter port (shared flat with norma)
in guernsey : since birth

occupation : fisherman (family business)
private : broken heart (asexual)
mood : blue gaze on the stormy sea

⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options : ( cornflowerblue ) ( en/fr )
roleplay : open (3/5)
relations :

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britney spears

(vu que @pippa lyons en parlait dans le flood abcélébrités - Page 3 4031917213 )
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Thelma Lindell
"your local manic pixie dream girl"
Thelma Lindell
irl : theodisia, lily + elle
posts : 69
faceclaim : kristine f. + doom days
age : bittersweet sixteen
birth : guernesey (26.01.04)
nationality : british

address : beach house on st peter port
in guernsey : since birth

occupation : student, full-time rbf
private : single, closed topic
mood : meh

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⋅ heart shaped sea ⋅
options : ( #b1c1df ) ( anglais )
roleplay : ( open )
relations :

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my one and only, CHRIS EVANS

nsfw lol:
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Contenu sponsorisé

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